For more information on becoming a GrabPay or PayLater by Grab merchant, please visit the respective pages, depending on your web store’s primary market:
Use the GrabPay logo when you need to create communications that specifically promote GrabPay as a payment method. Always use the original artwork provided by Grab and ensure the necessary clear space.
✅ Dos
| ❌ Don’ts
When referencing GrabPay in text, always write it in one word, with ‘G’ and ‘P’ in uppercase. Do not translate GrabPay. Always use it in English, even when it appears in another language.
✅ Do GrabPay | ❌ Don’t Grabpay |
Utilize the Grab logo to communicate acceptance of both GrabPay and PayLater by Grab.
For more questions, please visit our Help Centre.